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3 Roots Molar

3 roots molar3 Roots Molar

Lower 1st and 2nd premolars (bicuspids) - Just have 1 root. Upper 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars - 3 roots. Lower 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars - 2 roots. Variability in the number of root canals. Each of a tooth's roots will have at least 1 root canal. But some characteristically have, or at least often have, more. Presence of 3 roots in mandibular molars was confirmed in 16 patients of Mongolian origin (15.2%), in 8 patients of Negro origin (7.5%)and in 8 Caucasian patients (6.8%) (Table 1). There was a statistically significant difference (P.

3 Roots Molar Calculator


3 Root Molar Native American

  1. Outline form -

    - external outline form evolves from internal anatomy of the pulp as opposed to operative outline form which is based on external anatomy.

    - size of pulp chamber

    1. larger in young teeth
    2. smaller in older teeth
    - shape of pulp chamber
    1. varies with shape of crown

    2. age of tooth
    3. functional activity
    4. history of tooth

    - number and curvature of root canals

    - in Endodontic Access preparation convenience form regulates the ultimate outline form

  2. Convenience form -

    - objectives of Endodontic Convenience form
    1. unobstructed access to the canal orifice
    2. direct access to the apical foramen - freedom within coronal cavity to reach apex in unstrained position
    3. cavity expansion to accommodate filling techniques
    4. complete authority over enlarging instrument

    - *inadequate convenience form will lead to:
    1. perforation of root
    2. ledging of root
    3. instrument breakage
    4. incorrect shape of completed canal
    5. improper debridement

  3. Removal of remaining carious dentin -

    - eliminates bacteria from interior of tooth
    - eliminates discolored tooth structure
    - eliminates saliva leaking into prepared access cavity
    - if too much tooth structure is lost which prevents placing of rubber dam and sealing against saliva gingivoplasty or crown lengthening may be necessary.

  4. Toilet of cavity -

    - all caries, debris and necrotic material must be removed from the pulp chamber before proceeding to root preparation.

  5. - flushing the access chamber prevents:
    1. obstruction with debris during canal enlargement
    2. soft debris from chamber from increasing bacterial population in canal
    3. coronal debris from staining crowns especially in anterior teeth

  6. Intra-radicular preparation and cleaning and shaping -

    - will be discussed at another lecture

    CANAL MORPHOLOGY - see appendix in syllabus