R Location Fortnight
- A witch has to live somewhere, I guess. The post All Witch Shack locations in Fortnite – Fortnitemares 2020 appeared first on Gamepur.
- Fortnite Week 14 XP Extravaganza Challenges have arrived, and one of the weirdest tasks of the bunch asks players to harvest Buses and RVs from native Fortnite locations.Since Epic has never used.
Finding Clock locations is one of many Fortnite Challenges to complete.
It tasks you with visiting three different Clocks across the map - which are featured in several named locations.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. So what's changes since? In the new Season 3 Fortnite map, you can use whirlpools, sharks, visit the Catty Corner vault, and collect gnomes at Homely Hills as part of challenges.
Fortnite Clock locations at a glance
Finding all of the letters in the word F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E is one of the tougher week one challenges of season four in Fortnite.Don't fret though, as we're here to detail the exact locations of every. Look for where the the 'R' of 'Rig' on your map is and that's where you'll find it. Vault 4 location: Brutus' vault is located in the east portion of the map, south of Dirty Docks. You'll find him.
Clock locations are in named locations throughout the map, with clock towers being the primary source for the challenge.
Here are the Fortnite Clock locations at a glance:
The challenge is visit each one. Specifically, the Fortnite Clock locations are:
- South-west in Neo Tilted
- South-west in Junk Junction
- Middle of Sunny Steps
Whether intentionally or due to a bug, the clock tower in Happy Hamlet does not count towards this challenge - so you'll have to opt for one of the others for now.
Fortnite Clock locations in detail
Here's a closer look at the specific Clock locations in Fortnite:
South-west in Neo Tilted, where you'll find a digital clocktower. Float through the ticker at the top:
South-west in Junk Junction you'll find Tilted Tower's old clock tower. You need to visit the clock face that's on the floor next to it.
Middle of Sunny Steps is a sundial - which yes, counts as a clock!
All done? There are more Fortnite Challenges and Fortbyte locations to complete.
The new Season is here! Check out Season 5 Battle Pass skins, the new Fortnite map, Victory Umbrella, and where to find the Razor Crest location. There are also several new features this season - including bounties and the ability to earn gold bars.
Finding the best landing spot in Fortnite Battle Royale isn't always easy. Landing zones like Flush Factory and Retail Row are full of great loot, but they're also rife with other players waiting to frag you.
For the best chance of getting Victory Royale, you need to know which of Fortnite's landing locations are the best. This will maximize both your loot haul and chances of survival.
One of the best strategies is to choose the safest and least popular landing zones, ones full of resources such as wood, metal, and stone. This guide will show you which locations on the Fortnite map fit that bill.
If you're looking for more Fortnite tips and tricks, be sure to head over to our Fortnite guides master list for everything from best guns to how to get past certain glitches and bug -- and everything in between.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Paradise Palms
This location that was introduced a few seasons ago and offers a couple of truly great landing spots. However, the best one is located on the eastern shore at the farmhouses (shown by the red dot in the map above).
There are more than enough chests both inside the building and outside by the rock formations. You could also check the area around and inside the scrap yard a bit to the south.
The last reason why Paradise Palms is a great Fortnite landing zone is that you will find an open portal rift with a ramp to jump right into it, which is a great opportunity to quickly travel to another location.
Fortnight Free Online
Fortnite Landing Spot: Dusty Divot
Land just a bit north of Dusty Divot and quickly claim at least three chests and a massive amount of stone from the stone statue near the location; the statue hides the chests and can be broken into smaller pieces using your pickaxe.
You can also opt for going a bit further north to the Tomato Temple. There, you will find another stone statue, very similar to the first one. It also has three chests and lots of stone material.
Lastly, if you're lucky, near Tomato Town you will see a few open rift portals, letting you fast travel to other locations on the Fortnite map.
R Location Fortnight 2020
Fortnite Landing Spot: Viking Village
This landing location is filled with treasure chests and awesome loot. Since these are randomized, they can give you some amazing items early in the game -- ones that will give you an early advantage.
The chests can be found almost anywhere: inside the shack, in the vehicles, under the trees, etc.
A bit closer to the village you will see a waterfall. This is another great spot for spawning rift portals. This spot has a very high chance spawning a portal nearby, so be sure to head straight to the waterfall in case you need to travel anywhere else on the Fortnite map fast.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Salty Springs/Paradise Palms
If you manage to drop down at the border of Salty Springs and Paradise Palms, then you will find yourself at the broken bridge that hangs between the two Fortnite locations.
Lucky for you, the bridge is packed with treasure chests that can be found inside and outside the location. But that's not it! If you go downstairs into the mine, you will find another chest or two behind the walls of the hidden mining facility.
Also, a small oasis to the south of the bridge often spawns open rift portals for you to jump into.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Fatal Fields
This landing spot in the southern part of the Fortnite map is relatively peaceful since everyone seems to ignore it.
There are lots of farms and barns around, with occasional chests here and there. But the best part is that you can find some excellent starting weapons here, such as a shotgun and a rocket launcher.
There is also a small bridge that always has a chest underneath it, so be sure to check it out. And if you need metal for your constructions, then you can break down any of the vehicles scattered around the location.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Lonely Lodge
Many players would rather land in Retail Row, but just a short distance away you can safely land at Lonely Lodge. This landing area is rather large and can spawn over adozen chests at a time.
Be sure to check out the wooden lodge in the northernmost part of this area. Usually, you will be able to find 2-3 chests there and lots of really good weapons and ammo.
The trailer park in the southwestern part of the location also has many great loot spots for items and resources -- all of which you'll need to win Victory Royale.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Wailing Woods
Wailing Woods can be hard to navigate, but if you get familiar with it, then you can use it as an excellent hiding spot. As for loot, head toward the southwest, where you will find many shipping containers filled with loot.
The western area has a gas station and a fast food restaurant. Both of these places can potentially spawn some fantastic gear, which becomes useful in the later stages of the game when the eye storm shrinks down over this location.
Fortnite Landing Spot: Pleasant Park
Another great landing spot is Pleasant Park, which consists of many tightly packed houses. Some of them have hidden chests right under the roof, so be sure to land on top of the houses to get to the chests quickly. Check both smaller and larger houses -- including the garages -- which may contain some good weapons scattered around.
On the east side of the park, you will see another gas station; here, you can look over the entire area and either pinpoint more chests or plot out your route through the houses.
R Location Fortnite Chapter 2
Of course, you can decide to land at any location you like, but remember that most of them become very dangerous early in the game because many other players land in the same spots, looking for easy kills.
Box Factory Location Fortnight
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