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Download Latest File File. Overview File Image. PlotSquared Plot Downloading. How to download your plot. Login to your favorite creative server: Go to your plot /plot home: Download your plot.

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The best plot plugin available for Minecraft.



Plugin home page:


This plugin is installed on the UniversalCraftPlots Server.


/plot add <PlayerName>
Allow the specified player to build/break blocks in your plot while you are are also online in the UniversalCraftPlots Server.

/plot alias remove
Removes the name of the plot.

/plot alias set <Name>
Sets the name of the plot you are currently standing in.

/plot auto
Claims the nearest unclaimed plot for your exclusive use.

/plot biome
Lists all possible biomes for a plot.

/plot biome <BiomeName>
Set the biome for the current plot.

/plot buy
This command is normally used to purchase the unclaimed plot you are currently standing in. However, plots in UniversalCraft are free to purchase so the /plot claim command should be used instead.

Plotsquared permissions

/plot chat
Toggle plot chatting on or off.

/plot claim
Claim the plot you are currently standing in if you are the owner of that plot.

/plot clear
Clears the plot you are currently standing in.

/plot comment <owner public report> <comment>
Leave a comment regarding the current plot you are standing in, either as a comment to the owner of the plot, a public review of the plot, or as a report to staff for further investigation.

/plot continue
Continue working on a plot that was previously marked as completed.

/plot copy <x;z>
Copies the plot you are currently standing in to the specified location.

/plot createroadschematic
Sets the current road schematic to the roads around the plot you are currently standing in.

/plot debugroadregen plot
Regenerate all roads based on the road schematic.

/plot delete
Give up ownership and abandon the plot you are currently standing in.

/plot deny <PlayerName>
Prevent the specified player from entering your plot.

/plot desc <Description>
Sets the description of the current plot.

/plot done
Mark a plot as completed.

/plot flag add <FlagName> <Values>

Add flag values to the current plot.

/plot flag info <FlagName>
Show current flag values for the current plot.

/plot flag remove <FlagName> <Values>
Remove the specified flag values from the current plot.

/plot flag set <FlagName> <Value>
Set a flag value.

/plot grant add [PlayerName]
Add the specified player to the grant list of a plot.

/plot grant check
Verify the grants of a plot.

/plot home
Teleport directly to your own plot.

/plot inbox
List the comments for the current plot.

/plot info
Display information about the current plot you are standing in.

/plot kick <PlayerName>
Removes a player from your plot.

/plot list
List all the currently owned plots.

/plot load
Restore your plot to the point at which it was last saved.

/plot middle
Move you to the middle of a plot.

/plot merge <n e s w>
Merge the plot you are currently standing in with the plot to the north/east/south/west if you also own that plot.

/plot move <x;y>
Moves the current plot you and standing in to the specified location.

/plot music
Sets the background music for the current plot.

/plot purge
Remove all plots from the world.

/plot rate <Rating>
Rate the current plot you are standing in.

/plot regenallroads
Recreate all roads based upon the contents of the road schematic. This command can only be run from the console.


/plot reload
Reload plot world settings.

/plot remove <PlayerName>
Removes a player from your plot.

Plotsquared Blackspigot

/plot save
Save your plot.

/plot set home
Sets the home location within your plot.

/plot setup
Runs the plot world creation wizard which involves answering a number of questions regarding the structure and layout of the world to be created. Answers should be entered in the format /plot setup <answer> for each question in turn. For example, the first prompt is for the world generation method and the response should be entered as: /plot setup PlotSquared

The second prompt is for the type of plots world to be created so choose the required world type by entering /plot setup <WorldType> where <WorldType> is one “normal”, “augmented” or “partial”:

  • normal – Standard plot generation
  • augmented – Plot generation with terrain. Sub-types are:
    • none – No terrain at all
    • ore – Just some ore veins and trees
    • road – Terrain separated by roads
    • all – Entirely vanilla generation
  • partial – Vanilla with clusters of plots.

The rest of the plot world creation wizard prompts for the type of blocks to be used and the size of the plots/roads etc. See the UniversalCraftPlots Server page for details of the values we used.

/plot setowner <PlayerName>
Sets the owner of a plot to the specified player.

/plot swap <x;y>
Swaps the contents of the plot you are currently standing in with the specified plot.

/plot trust <PlayerName>
Allow another player to build in your plot, even when you as the plot owner, are offline.

/plot unlink
Unlink the plot you are currently standing in if that plot has previously been merged with another plot. The public road between the plots will then be restored.

/plot visit <PlayerName>
Visit the plot belonging to the specified player.

/plot weanywhere
Bypass WorldEdit restrictions allowing administrators to build on roads.


Spigot Plotsquared




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