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  1. Persoenlichkeitsbeschreibung
  2. Beruehmte Persoenlichkeiten
  3. Persoenlichkeitsspaltung

Munich-based AQAL Group is an active technology and impact holding company using the Integral Investing approach. Focus: exponential technology and digital evolution (Internet infrastructure, artificial intelligence, blockchain & financial tech, B2B IT solutions, Industry 4.0), green technology (renewable energy, energy efficiency, cleantech, circular economy), and life in the 21st century. GIZ has trained 19 mediators to help people come to terms with the past and to recognise and manage emerging conflicts in good time. The teams each consist of a respected personality from the subject village as well as two men and two women from among the long-term residents and newcomers to the communities. These teams e.g. Organise events and opportunities for. Multilingual philatelic encyclopaedia composed from four sections: people, fauna, flora & geography. Picture gallery about iconography, genealogy, history, art & taxonomy.People: Classified alphabetically by surname, and not from alias or common names.Flora & Fauna: Sections arranged according to the binomial scientific name of species of animals.

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

{{bottomLinkPreText}}{{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit).
Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.
Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.



Beruehmte Persoenlichkeiten


Cover photo is available under {{ 'Unknown'}} license.Cover photo is available under {{ 'Unknown'}} license. Credit: (see original file).